Aldi Base

From Simply Vanilla
Aldi Base
Founded: 2024
Status: Destroyed
Date Destroyed: May 11th 2024
Members: y0ser/autenn, KnoahBoa, sspixy, 7j1j
Coordinates: 3069629, -3188619

"big comeback coming soon.." -KnoahBoa approx 4 hours before the grief

Aldi base was a pvper farmbase founded by y0ser sometime during 2024. He would invite his friends KnoahBoa, sspixy, and 7j1j to help run his shop (called the Aldi shop) and build farms. The base wound be centered around a spruce wood structure shaped like a semi circle, beneath the semi circle would be for storage. In front of the storage, a stone statue was erected, and behind would feature the stasis chambers. The base would primarily contain many farms, such as a gold farm, a raid farm, a guardian farm, a sugarcane farm, and others. A villager trading hall was constructed to make Cpvp kits

In early May, y0ser was revealed to be autenn who was previously banned for doxxing resulting in his alt getting permanently banned for ban evading. KnoahBoa would step up to run the shop in y0ser's absence. At the same time, RR members Pohtaetoe69 and Wabaloo had found the base and leaked the coordinates to the rest of RR on May 8th. Other RR members such as Horta092, Kento_Bento_Box, and Brains4211 would gather at the base on May 11th and would proceed to rob the base, completely grief the base, lavacasting it, and spawning in many withers.
