From Simply Vanilla
The server has been backdoored and shut down for a while in 2020. The security issues and mod perms have since then been fixed. All illegals created while the backdoor was active were removed by the rollback. Still some illegals were created by Beautifulz, Grau_zune, snackmach, and legotheshark_ and could be preserved. The following illegals are known to exist:
- Trump Mask
- Illegal Diamond Chestplate 1
- villager and cow spawn eggs
- Skeleton horses, since they can no longer spawn - lightning disabled due to triangulation
- Player heads
- The Gaydar, some heavily enchanted compasses
- Phantom heads
- Zombified Piglin Heads
- Pillager heads
- thot begone, a knockback 10 stick, used to be owned by Branch
- Banned Player Books since they can no longer be made
- Pig Spawners, found by multiple players
- end portal frame, found in a stash made by a former admin
Illegal Terrain Modifications
- Bedrock Admin Base
- Two pig spawners, made by Beautifulz with world edit at his nuclear test site
- the spawners that spawn eggs can modify
- One bedrock placed next to the overworld portal at end spawn
- One missing bedrock on a gateway
- Broken Bedrock NetherRoof 0
- Broken Bedrock NetherRoof 1
- One End portal that only has one frame left