
From Simply Vanilla
Status: Inactive
Join Date: 03/17/21
Current Faction: None (Officially)

Negikun_ is a very well known player who joined in early 2021, joining with his friend Wabaloo to play with Kento_Bento_Box and KillerDonut159 to start their first base together, with him sharing a close relationship with Wabaloo and Kento with him participating in several griefs with each other. Negikun_ is primarily a member of the MINIHAMES Corp, a small tight group of friends who have played with each other since joining the server. He has remained consistently active until Spring 2024, before falling off in activity due to IRL obligations. Negi was a member of many prolific bases, and is a nomad to this day though chooses to stay at a private base with Wabaloo and his friends.