The Kingsmen

From Simply Vanilla

The Kingsmen

The Kingsmen was a faction founded on November 17th, 2019 by kingpooter. Their first base was called Case City and has massive lavacast walls surrounding its location. The base was griefed and the Kingsmen moved and established a new base in an Acacia biome called Sun City. many new members joined, and they absorbed the Dumpster Boys faction reaching an approximate 17 members. After a dispute between psky0_TK and RedBendyStraw, psyk0_tk left the faction. Fearing the location of Sun City was compromised, the group fled to a mountainous region far away, establishing Kingsmen Castle. Most members were finally acquiring good loot around the time another group was flooding spawn. The Kingsmen attempted to stop the flooding and destroyed an end ship being constructed. Shortly after, RedBendyStraw and kingpooter were testing a new trident, when they accidentally started a raid. During the raid, a nether portal appeared at the base where they were attacked by Grimalackt, who had built the end ship that was destroyed, and loot wizard. Grimalackt managed to bed trap or kill everyone, crystaling RedBendyStraw who was the final surviving defender. The group was then reduced to only the most trustworthy people and they set up base at noobtown, which was rolled back randomly, and a base with some Australians, which was destroyed by iDreaZyyy. The faction was then invited to become a part of Silverstar 3, which was their last base before the server shut down. All of the Kingsmen’s history was lost to the Rollback.

= Known Members